Making a photo board is a great way to make your
Graduation party special.
Do you remember back to my Big 50th birthday?
Well, my family made a huge photo board with
the numbers 50. I was thinking the same idea
would be really cute for a Graduation party and other events, like a sweet 16.
Here’s a simple photo tutorial that shows
just how easy it is to make.
The first step is to draw the number or letter out on the foam board.
I got the boards in the photo from Hobby Lobby.
Next, cut out the numbers.
The number in the photo is 7 inches wide.
Now, start attaching photos with blue painters tape until you have all the spaces filled.
If you want to keep it plain you can just use it as an autograph board.
Tape wire to the back so you can hang it, or you can just lean it against the wall.
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