Have you heard or yarn bombing or wondered what it’s all about?
Basically, it’s graffiti using knitting needles and yarn instead of paint.
Saturday, June 9th is the official yarn bombing day… so be on the look out
for things wrapped in bright colored granny blankets.
Who knows. You just might find one hugging your tree or car.
If I had time, I would have knitted the lamp post in our yard
or perhaps my friends large dog statue sitting on her front step.:)
The important word there is “if.”
The bombers hit trees, fire hydrants, cars, statues and all
kinds of things in knit and crocheted creations.
The movement got its boost in 2009 from the book “Yarn Bombing:
The Art of Crochet and Knit Graffiti,” by
Mandy Moore and Leanne Prain.
To learn more about yarn bombing visit the Yarn bombing blog or
Saturday, June 9th is the second official international yarn bombing day..
I’m not promoting vandalism.
If I were to do it, I’d only do it…. where I had permission 🙂

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