I have a Big wall I stare at everyday behind my computer.
It needs something to brighten it up!!! Since I have a new
Grand baby and he’ll be getting a ton of photos taken…..
I’m thinking what better way to fill the wall than with a big collage of his photos.
I can glance up and look at little one all day long if I want….
and I just might want toooo ….cuz I’m a new Gammy and that’s what
I love to do. Look at him!!! 🙂
PS For those of you who might think I’m going a little overboard with the whole Grandbaby
photo wall shrine,  just know…I’ll be including a family photo or two. 🙂
I love all my family!!!
This brightly framed photo collage wall is my inspiration!! I LOVE all the colors!!
You know what that means. Time to repaint all the walls and change our colors so this ties in  🙂
JK it’s time to do that anyway …
To be continued…..
For more adorable photos from this nursery click here.

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