Becoming a Grandma is one of the greatest things in the world!!
Of course, being a Gammie has now changed my focus a bit.
I’ll probably start sharing a few “Gammie loves ideas” once in a while on Bargain Hoot.
Like today for instance…. Check out these adorable little kitchenettes and work
benches made from old end tables.
Vintage Songbird did a beautiful transformation from a nightstand into a play kitchen.
This is a great idea for Papa!! He can take an old endtable that Meme wants to
replace and turn it into a play area for the Grandkids;)
Rachael Bishop designs used 2 matching end tables and some closet space to make this
sweet little play area. If I did something like this I’d want to make it less girly with florals
and use more plaid fabrics.
The Frugal Granny transformed a $3 end table from Habitat for Humanity into a fun workbench!!
Thank you creative ladies!! Gammie loves these ideas!!
It is such a blessing to find fun ideas like this on the internet. Isn’t it good that God didn’t
give us all the same abilities. It would be such a boring world. It wouldn’t
function. The bible talks about some being hands and some feet…but we’re all
apart of the same body. I’ve always thought it would be neat to be able
to sing really well…. but that’s ok, God gave me different abilities.
I am so thankful to those who sing and bless us with beautiful music.
If I tried to be a singer…trust me, it wouldn’t be pretty 🙂 I’m not sure why I
started talking about that subject. I guess I just want to encourage you today
to be thankful for the way God made you. Once we get our eyes on our self, we
become less appreciative of the way God made us and others.. So let the artist create,
let the singers…sing, let the painters paint etc. Have a blessed day! 🙂
PS. Do you ever wonder what your job will be in heaven someday?

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