Have you ever thought of gift wrapping a present with the inside
of a potato chip bag? I haven’t. Martha Stewart’s crew comes up
with some of the most creative ideas.
Here are a few ways to get creative with gift wrap and recycle what you have.
They photocopied vibrate fabric and used it for wrapping paper!!!
How cool is that! See what I mean about how creative…. endless
The gifts in the photo above were wrapped with the inside of a chip bag!!!
Note: They washed them with soap and water before using… so they weren’t all greasy.
Thanks Martha!

Hi, love this idea, I thought you might like this one too. I recently went to a friends baby’s Christening and I wanted to send them something unique. I found the site http://www.domandgeri.com who do personalised cards and matching wrapping paper (which I’ve never seen before) My wrapping paper inparticular was a bigger hit than my actual gift! I was able to upload a picture of my friend’s baby and I could also personalise the text. If you want to be a little different, domandgeri.com is a wonderful option. There are 1000’s of designs to choose from too and I received next day (even though I only paid first class post) I would highly recommend them!
Thanks Caroline…That is such a cute idea!!