Have you been looking for accessories to garnish your kitchen walls?
Today, I was on One Kings Lane and noticed they have fun kitchen wall
items on sale. I especially like the old tray in the photo.
They also have a Coffee shop full of items focused on anything coffee and tea related.
3 piece Neo Cream and sugar set Retail 35.00 Sale $15.00
Do you know about One King’s Lane? It’s a great place. They
share’s top-brand and designer furniture,decor, art, gifts and vintage items
up to 70% off. One way they promote and advertise their company is through referrals.
For every person that signs up under my link( here ) and purchases through me…
I get a $15 dollar credit and you get a $15 credit for signing up.
The same thing happens for you, if you share them with your
friends….and so on and so on. It’s a one time credit per sign up. I wanted to be up front
about how that works. There are things on their site and a few other’s site’s like theirs …
that I see and want to tell you about, but on the same token, I want you to know about the promo.
The sales usually last a few days , but things get sold out pretty fast.
Especially… if it’s something to “hoot and holler” about!!

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