I hope you enjoy these top pins this week. They all relate to children.
The first one that won the top pin spot with 46 re-pins is this dump truck birthday
cake. It’s from a construction themed birthday celebration.
Check out the rest of the party at “Catch my Party” I noticed a cute birthday sign that says Orlando digs being “3”.
Those chunks of candy bars and whatever else that is (coated in crushed candy) looks yummy.
This would have been a good “Gold Rush” themed celebration cake.
How about this cute play shower head for kids. They just press the star button and they get sprinkled with water.
It prepares them for real showers. The good news is… it just suctions to the tub.
Click here to purchase and check out the reviews.
The third one is an edible necklace. How cute is this idea! Great for road trips.

Our daughter used to love those candy necklaces and would have loved that snack one too. Too bad she is all grown up…sigh…but you are never too old for a good snack, right? : )
Those candy necklaces were so fun!! To bad we can’t freeze time….
This is a great adult tv snack….one that says …you barely have to move to enjoy a treat.