We have 5 BIG new things going on at BH and I wanted to share the news with you.
1) GIVE-AWAYS: Starting in May, we’ll be consistently
doing 2 give-aways per month. So watch for some awesome chances
to win some lovely prizes!
2) WEEKLY LINK UP BLOG PARTIES: Share your weekly Hoot ‘N’ Holler deals
with links to them! This will be happening every Friday.
3) MONTHLY THEMES: We’ll start in the month of May with a “floral” theme
(since April showers have brought May flowers!) So you’ll notice each month’s theme
incorporated in different ways throughout the month. We recently got a motorhome,
which will lend itself nicely to some of the themes we’ve got planned.
I’m hoping to take you on some road trips with us as we hit some great outlets
and interesting sights in our travels.
4) NEW CONTRIBUTORS: What I’m most excited to share about is that, Nancy,
my Daughter in Love :)will be joining us on Bargain Hoot.
You’ve seen her modeling on some of the fashion Fridays over this past year.
While she’ll be continuing to help model she will also be writing some of her own posts
relating to budgeting and finances along with a variety of things blog related.
I’m also really excited to have some other new contributors coming on board,
who we’ll introduce at the time they begin contributing.
5) FOCUSED PROOFING/EDITING: The other super good news is that Nancy
will be my extra set of eyes, proofing and editing posts before I PUSH the publish button.
I need that desperately 🙂
I apologize.
So often in the past I would get in a hurry and write something in a blog post
and forget to save the edited draft before publishing it,
or just overlook a typo because of rushing to get something posted.
The other thing I didn’t realize is that even though I edit a typo “after”
I publish the post, you emailed readers don’t get that version.
You only get the very first posted version. I use to think if I caught the typo quick
that no one would notice. I was totally WRONG and I feel really bad about it.
A huge THANK YOU goes out to my readers who have stuck with me throughout
all my typos and flubs grammatically. Again, I apologize and send you hugs
and a heart full of appreciation!
So I hope you are as excited about these developments as I am!
Please take a moment to get to know Nancy a little better by reading her bio here.
And thanks again to all my readers who have stuck with me through thick and thin!
My goal is to continue making Bargain Hoot a better place
to help you spend wisely and live beautifully!

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