I spotted some fun activities for toddlers and young children on Pinterest today.
Since I’m a fairly new Grandma I’m especially interested in fun DIY playtime ideas for my Grandson.
Here’s a cute river made from tinfoil.
How about this fun and mess free art idea.
Squeeze some paint in a ziploc baggie and tape the baggie to the window.
Check out the blog “No one has more fun than the Adams” for more tips and ideas on how to make this fun activity.
I totally want to do this masking tape hot wheel track. It seriously looks like fun to me.
I would for sure test the tape I’m using to make sure it comes off easy.
BTW…I bet my 26 year old son would love this too 🙂 It may be a little too advanced for my Grandson, but I’m keeping it tucked away in Gammie’s little bloggie idea list.
The blog “The Simple Little Home” put together a list of 40 ways to distract a toddler.
Water play was one of the fun ideas on their list.

What a great wrap up of fun ideas!
Hi Hilani!! So good to hear from you.
Thank you for your comment!!
I came across this page via Pinterest … AHHH! (That’s the sound of angels singing.) I am a 38-year-old mother of two, ages 8 and 2. With such a large age difference, having a 2-year-old again has literally been like “starting over,” only this time, none of my friends have toddlers to play with! The first time around, my best friend and I had our boys just four weeks apart so remembering how to play like a 2-year-old again has been a challenge for me. Thank you for some fun, inexpensive new ideas to get the ball rolling during summer vacation – I think my eight-year-old will love the masking tape racetrack idea, too! I’m looking forward to seeing what else you can come up with, and if I discover some fun new ideas, I’ll be sure to share. Repinning your post now so others can benefit, too. Thanks again! 🙂
Your grandson is blessed to have such a creative Gammie : ) Good job friend!
I LOVE these ideas! I was going to go out and buy some of those bounce house balls and put them in the blow up kiddie pool in our living room (obviously without water) for the days when it’s rainy. But I hadn’t thought about the pack and play that is such a good idea!
Cherstin, welcome back to toddler motherhood!!! 🙂